Friday 7 June 2013

Supreme Court Time!

The Supreme Court of Pakistan 

If you were to ask Pakistanis to name someone who they think is one of the most influential figures in the country, you would without a doubt hear the name Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. The esteemed Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, and I had the INCREDIBLE opportunity of sitting in the same room as him, listening to him preside over several cases that were presented to the Supreme Court.

Just a few days ago I headed to Islamabad with my dad and cousin to go see the Supreme Court and sit in on court proceedings that were being overseen by some of the most prominent legal figures in the country, and presented by some of the most talented lawyers around. The exciting vibe outside the court was palpable, as news media vans encircled the parking area, and lawyers arrived in droves. It was easy to get lost in the shuffle, and in the chaos, I actually got mistaken for a lawyer! I was invited to go use the special “lawyers entrance,” which I was definitely tempted to do and just start playing along. However, I quickly came to my senses and headed to the visitor’s entrance, thinking that getting into legal trouble myself while I was at the Supreme Court was probably not the best idea. But still, knowing that someone had confused me as a lawyer, put a doofy smile on my face the entire time I was in Islamabad.

Listening to the cases being presented to the Supreme Court was fascinating. Hearing the questions posed to the lawyers presenting cases, by the Chief Justice and his panel of justices was even more interesting. The back-and-forth process of questions and answers really led to the heart of the matter of each case.

View of Islamabad from 4, 000 feet high 
After listening in on several Supreme Court cases, I can truly understand why Chief Justice Chaudhry was awarded the Medal of Freedom by Harvard Law School. This award is Harvard Law’s highest honor and has only been given to two other people, Nelson Mandela, and Oliver Hill. It was presented to Justice Chaudhry in 2008, for his resilience in fighting for the Constitution of Pakistan, despite the scare tactics of government officials. He is truly a freedom fighter for the country, and you can see his desire for justice in each decision that he makes. I came out of the Supreme Court truly inspired that despite a world full of corruption, that a glimmer of justice still exists.

A Government Building in Islamabad 
Faisal Mosque, The Largest Mosque in Pakistan
(located in Islamabad)


  1. !! Reading that you were mistaken for a lawyer put a goofy smile on MY face. I can't believe Chief Justice Chaudhry was awarded the medal of freedom. That's so incredible...and the fact that I can imagine you as great as a freedom fighter as he is, is even more incredible. Keep it going, Mahnoor <3

  2. Awwwwwww, youre soooo cute. I can just imagine you walking in as a lawyer and then realizing you might get in trouble, haha. I cannot believe you got to sit in the same room as him! thats incredible. Im glad to hear your dad is with you :)
    The pictures are so breath taking. It was hard for me to believe that the architecture of the Supreme Court is so beautiful. Im so happy for you girl!!!! doing big things! love you and be safe!!!

    1. Haha you know me! Can't wait to show you more pictures when I get back! <3

  3. You're destined for great and wonderful things, my friend! This is fantastic! Checking your blog posts always brightens my day. And these photos are INCREDIBLE! Hope you're having a blast!

    1. As are you, my amazingly talented friend!

  4. Wowwowowow, everything's so pretty! You deff look put together and classy enough to be a lawyer right now, girl. Your time in Pakistan sounds amazing! So proud of you, my love. <3
