Tuesday 28 May 2013

15 Hour Flight: Check!

Hello everyone! After a fifteen hour flight that felt days long, I have finally arrived in Pakistan to begin my internship with Kazmi and Kazmi Legal Advocates in Lahore!  Getting off at Allama Iqbal Airport  was definitely a shock to my system. As soon as I stepped out of the airplane and approached immigration, I was confronted by at least ten different airport porters asking if I needed assistance with my bags. Even after I said yes to one of them, it didn't stop others from still asking me if I needed a porter. It seemed like everyone's goal was to get some American dollars out of me, which I was definitely anticipating. The airport was chaotic and a bit overwhelming, especially since it was my first time traveling alone, but i'm glad I was able to navigate it successfully and not get scammed by anyone!

When I stepped out of the airport I was glad to see some familiar faces; my aunt and uncle had come to pick me up, which I was so grateful for, especially considering that it was 4 a.m. local time here. I instantly felt more comfortable knowing I was in good hands.

It is currently my second day here in Lahore and I am still adjusting to the time change, which I'm sure will take a few more days to get used to. The temperature here is a whopping 105 degrees Fahrenheit, which I am DEFINITELY not used to! Despite the jet lag and insane temperature, I truly am enjoying my time here. I'm staying with my grandparents in Lahore, and it's incredible seeing them after a long five years.

I'm going to be getting a tour of my office today and will hopefully be meeting all the people I will be interning with. I'm veryyyy excited to be interning in a different country and in a completely different environment than I'm used to. It's for sure out of my comfort zone, but I'm hopeful I will learn and grow from the experience. Just being away from home and my cozy room and American lifestyle is going to teach me how to adapt to all sorts of situations (I hopefully will not be scarred for life!). I can't wait to start learning about the legal system of Pakistan and seeing how the law is applied in a country other than the U.S.

Can't wait to keep everyone updated on all my internship adventures!
